Business Degrees – Online



Business Degrees -Fully Online

Our business degrees teach you how to analyze and creatively solve business problems in quickly changing environments. Our business classes give you a foundation in economics, accounting, finance, management, marketing, business law, statistics and operations management.

We have fully online Associate Degree programs designed to help you get a higher-paying job or help you transfer with ease to a four-year institution. 

We also have fully online Bachelor Degree programs that give you the advantage you need in this competitive marketplace. Whichever you decide, St. Petersburg College is an inexpensive way to get started down the path of success.


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Explore our online business degrees

Our online business degrees teach you how to analyze and creatively solve business problems in quickly changing environments. Our business classes give you a foundation in economics, accounting, finance, management, marketing, business law, statistics and operations management. Our online options make it easier for you to take courses at a time and pace that best suits your needs.

Online business degree options

We offer a wide variety of business courses and degrees that are fully online. These include both B.S. and A.S. Degrees. Not only do we offer different degree types, but we also offer many different areas on which you can focus, depending on your interests and goals. 

As a graduate of one of these programs, you’ll have the knowledge and business insight to assume positions of responsibility in a global business community. You will also be prepared to find a high-wage, in-demand career. 

Online business program areas

One of the many advantages of taking accredited college courses online is the ability to schedule your classes to fit around your busy life. Fortunately, not only do our online business courses enable you to work toward your degree and your career with flexibility, but they also prepare you for many different facets of working in the business world. They are also catered to fit into your long-term education and career goals. Below are a few of the areas in which we offer fully online business degree programs:

    Skills developed through our online business programs

    Here are a few of the skills you can develop through one of our online business programs:

      • Think critically and problem solve
      • Effectively develop and manage project teams
      • Develop and analyze fiscal plans
      • Manage operations
      • Recognize the financial implications of your decisions
      • Prepare and use financial information to support decision making
      • Manage business information with appropriate software
      • Effectively communicate as a professional
      • Understand legal and ethical issues in business
      • Develop human resources, strategic and organizational skills
      • Identify and demonstrate management activities

    Why employers hire our graduates

    Our graduates rank first in the state for earning the highest entry wages in Florida. With degree programs tailored to meet the needs of local industries, you’ll be job ready at graduation. In fact, more than 90 percent of our graduates find jobs in the field, are continuing their education or serving in the military.

    St. Petersburg College offers free tutoring to all students. We also offer online support, campus learning centers and small group workshops so you get the academic support you need.

    Paying for college

    Our professionals in the financial aid office help you sort out the options of paying for a quality education now – with less debt after you graduate. There are many different ways you can get help paying for your education at St. Petersburg College, including scholarships, grants, loans, and even an interest-free payment plan.

    To learn more about how you can get help paying for college, visit our Tuition and Financial Aid page

    Why choose St. Petersburg College?

    Choosing a college is a big decision. With our focus on you, you will see why SPC is the smart choice. 

    1/2 THE COST 

    Two years at St. Petersburg College and two years at a public university can save you more than $5,830 compared to four years at a public university in Florida.


    Over $6 million in scholarships granted in 2016. Learn more about how you can get help paying for college by downloading our FREE Financial Aid Guide!


    More than 90 percent of our graduates find jobs in the field, are continuing their education or serving in the military.

    Others like you

    Shane Melaugh

    “What I found at SPC were individuals who really cared about my success at this college and really wanted to help me succeed and reach my potential. They helped me remove barriers and challenged me academically so I could leave this place really proud of the education that I received.””

    – Linaea Floden, who earned a bachelor’s degree in Sustainability Management from SPC, and a master’s degree in architecture and community design from the University of South Florida


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